We meet at: Room 3, The Salvation Army, Woodthorpe Road, Ashford. TW15 3JY
On: Wednesday morning from 10:00am to 12:00pm
Volunteer Group Leader: Marianne Herne
The term’s programme is planned in advance with each week having a themed session led by a volunteer, with ideas from stroke members and volunteers.
Seating arrangements vary, however, each stroke member is supported by a volunteer and each week that volunteer changes.
There is plenty of talking and we also incorporate different aspects of communication: reading, writing, comprehension, concentration, listening, observation, creative expression.
The sessions may include involvement with numbers, money, dates, pictures, craft work, quizzes, worksheets, music and this list is not exhaustive.
We encourage name recognition and interaction between everyone and are so delighted to see increased self-esteem and social interaction amongst the group.